Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Today I took a test for my Comm340 class. It deals with the principles of interviewing and how to conduct interviews. After taking the test today I knew I did poorly on it. There are so many times where I have taken a test and not done well on it and I have taken responsibility for it. I may not have studied hard enough or I did not put enough effort into studying. Today was a totally different experience. Today I knew the material but the test was not a normal multiple choice test. It was a short answer fill in the blank test. It dealt with a bunch of terms that had to be explained off of the top of my head. If this were a multiple choice test I know I would have done really well. I could not think of the exact terms and my mind went blank on questions I know I knew the answers to. I am just really depressed.
As I drove home in misery, I listened to a radio talk show and the opening segment dealt with the Philadelphia Eagles and their struggles. Ok the Eagles just lost 2 game they should have won. Chicago and Washington. It kills me knowing that we lost these games. We are in the most competitve division in football and sufferring two losses puts us out of reach. Only 3 of these 4 teams can make it into the playoffs and I will damn near kill myself if the Eagles do not reach the playoffs this year. Joke as much as you want, but deep down Donovan McNabb is an amazing quarterback, with all the talent in the world and he is a very outstanding leader. The Eagles and all of their fans expect Donovan to go out and have amazing games. It may not be every game but for the most part he is suppose to play above the bar. He has all the athletic ability in the world but when Andy Reid does not unleash the playbook and calls this conservative plays we are not going to get anywhere. I believe we can win with the talent on this team but when role players such as Greg Lewis and our incumbent TE L.J Smith drop passes it really grinds my gears. One more thing Desean Jackson you are one hell of a player. But you are young and you make rookie mistakes, and those mistakes are like a dagger to my heart. But, you can only get better and you are a very promising player. Please dont bust a Freddie Mitchell.
For some of you Charger Fans out there... LT is hurt, Gates is hurt, everyone is hurt. I personally believe LT is holding the Chargers back right now. His health issues do not allow him to do what we are used to seeing and we are trying to push him to get healthy. He is not young anymore. I also don't think they trust Sproles and/or Hester to carry the load for this team either. If Michael Turner were still here and LT was in this situation, I think LT would sit. Sproles in the man and I love him but I don't think LT and the Chargers coaching staff trust him enough, and thats why LT is still in the games. You know I hope I am wrong about all this because I do not want to see the Chargers lose. LT isnt the same. He is no Shaun Alexander and will not go from an MVP runningback to a dud. Michael Turner was a blessing and I am glad he has his chance to be a superstar in Atlanta, but he went for free which sucks for us.
Im sad.
On a brighter note, the flags I ordered for Flag Football came in today. Im excited. See you at WV on saturday.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Madden 09 is my best friend now.

After a month long fling with NCAA, I have realized that NCAA 09 has completely fucked up my Madden 09 skills. The controls are flipped around so much and the style of gameplay I have used in NCAA does not fit the style of play that I use in Madden. I find myself using bad habits and running around aimlessly. Enough with my complaining on why I just lost a preseason game... Ok Charlie Batch whooped my ass because I spent 6 seconds every play scrambling around with Kevin Kolb.
Overall the presentation of Madden 09 is superb and the grass on the field is the realest I have ever seen for a video game. The shine and finish on the helmets really adds a nice touch to the presentation of the game. As you take the field as the home team you really feel like you are in your home stadium. Unlike in previous years the only thing that felt like home was the off color blue and yellow shirts inside Qualcomm Stadium. I have only played one game so far, and from what I have done, I know I need to practice. I suck, and my madden IQ is low because I got owned on rushing defense and pass defense. I find myself frustrated with life and I need to shake the cobwebbs off from NCAA. I haven't blogged in a long time and my thoughts are everywhere and all this shit is really unorganized, but what the fuck no one reads this anyway. I pwned Willie Parker with a hit stick and the fuckin screen started shaking. My instant replay on the play calling screen is broken and Brian Westbrook is a beast. Overall I am satisfied with the quality of madden but I am really upset that I spent $96 on the collectors edition. I will make the best of it and play head coach until it breaks. The more I play madden the more I will forget about the cost. But one thing that has made me really happy about Madden 09 is they finally took new fuckin pictures for all the players. This has definately made me very happy. Ok thanks for reading and the rest of the year will be devoted to Madden. Fuck friends, madden is my best friend now.
One year of college left I will earn my degree in madden and pwn you with my minor in rushing attack. mothafuckas.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
21's all over the place
I don't make money at work, gas is expensive, and drinking punishes my wallet. People are turning 21 left and right. In the span of a week David, Adonis, and Mark all turned 21. That all equals a bad liver, an empty wallet and feeling the wrath of Ant "the tank" Barbaran. Davids party was crazy, Adonis' party was crazy and Mark arranged a long trip to irvine that was expensive but fun. In all of these occasions I have been blessed with the presence of Drant.
Drant is my hero.
But in all seriousness once the end of June hits we are all fucked. I believe there are 2 june birthdays and I am very excited for this half month break we all have before the nonsense drinking begins again.
Some random notes:
Its cool to see people who are back down from school.
Tony is buff.
David now wakes up earlier then me.
No one is going to buy a ps3 except Roger.
Rising Moon and Honey Moon are gross beers.
It is impossible to find a job.
My current Job sucks.
Kristi comes in 2 weeks.
I need to go to the beach.
I don't think Judd's hair is wierd.
Nazer talks about throwing up like its nothing.
I need to blog more.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
NFL offseason
- Injuries occuring in training camp
- Rookie holdouts prior to training camp
- Veteran holdouts until training camp
- Trade Rumors
- Contract Negotiations
- Fantasy Football articles
- Madden 09
- Wondering if Brett Favre is going to comeback
- Anything relating to Ocho Cinco
- T.O. crying
- Philip Rivers talking shit to/about Jay Cutler
- Interesting Nike Commercials
- Peyton Manning Commercials
- Pacman Jones making it rain in strip clubs
- Junior Seau 'graduating'
- The Bears Owner serenading Brian Urlacher
Anyways useless post
Im going to throw a beer pong tourney keep your ears open.
anyways you guys have probably seen this already but here it is again its funny.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Back To Football
The San Diego Chargers

The Chargers are a very talented team on both sides of the ball. Their offense is one of the bests and our defense has very little holes in it. The Chargers could use this draft for a couple of things. One of their more important needs is Cornerback, with Drayton Florence leaving for Jacksonville we are only left with two quality corners, Antonio Cromatie and Quentin Jammer. Drafting a corner that can immediately contribute in our nickel package would be ideal. A corner such as Dominique Rodgers-Cromartie would be a great selection because of his tremendous size and his long speed is what the Chargers love. It also helps that the Tennessee State stud is also the cousin of fan favorite Antonio Cromartie. Some other positions of need that could be addressed during the firt round of the draft would be defensive tackle. We have a very young and talented defensive line but the key component of our 3-4 defense is getting up in age. Nose tackle is the anchor of this defense and the Chargers eventually need a player who will eventually succeed Williams and dominate opposing offensive lines. Finally Middle Linebacker is another position that could be address through the draft. With Stephen Cooper suspended for the 1st four games Matt Wilhelm will be playing alongside either Anthony Waters, Brandon Siler or newly acquired Derek Smith. We can never have too much depth at linebacker but losing Cooper and two unproven rookies would call for us drafting another linebacker who can also contribute on special teams. The Chargers have very few holes to fill but whoever they get will be a great addition to a very talented team.

Dominique Rodgers Cromartie
Tennessee State University
6'2" 184 lbs with a 4.33 40 td dash.
I will be adding some more analysis for some other teams in the upcoming days, please stay tuned.
Monday, April 14, 2008
My favorite beer
Now on to my list:
1. Pyramid Hefeweizen

So sweet and refreshing.
2. Heineken Light

Perfect to chill on and is oh so tasty
3. Bud Light

The best domestic water beer
4. Corona

Can't get tired of Corona
5. Coors Light

Perfect for Beer Pong
There are so many beers I want to try but that means I have to work more. Beer is expensive sometimes especially if you want to try all the expensive ones.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Hoagies and Cheesesteaks
Hail to thy Cheese Steak

This greasy sandwich option is one of the greatest items known to mankind. The options are endless on what you can put on this piece of artwork, and no matter what you do it is always delicious. For $5 you will end up feeling more than satisfied and your tummy will thank you for days for treating it with such good care. When I was back on the east coast a couple of summers ago, I was reminded you could also get cheesesteaks at a gas station market and it would still be better than the shit they try to serve in other place around the country. It is just not the same, if you really want to enjoy one of the amazing sandwhiches at home I will show you a secret steak that is perfect for making a cheesesteak at home. "Steak-um" They are thinly slices frozen steaks that will make a perfect Cheesesteak at home.

Hoagies are basically just subs, but 10x better. The only subs we have around here are your chain restaurant sandwich shops such as Subway, Submarina and Quizno's. Hoagie shops are located all around east coast and during anytime of the day you are able to get one of these Sandwiches will all the fixin's. Though they can never beat out the Cheesesteak they are still delicious and probably a little healthier for your body. Personally for all my Hoagie and Cheesesteak needs I would go to my local "Lee's Hoagie house" for all my sandwich needs. An no Lee is not asian. I grew up in the white sub urbs, yeayah.
Bertucci's Pizza

Brick oven pizza at its finest. Thin crust pizza that is crispy, flaky and oh so delicious. Cooked in a brick over to perfection and provides a great change from your ordinary pizza parlors such as Pizza hut and Domino's. I know all of us like Uno's and BJ's deep dish pizza but I would take any New york Style pizza and Bertucci's pizza over those any day. The thing about Bertucci's pizza that makes it so good is the toppings they put on it. Using seafoood such as clams and shrimp as toppings provides a different taste that all of us are used to.
Finally for Desert we have:
Rita's Water Ice

The greatest desert of all time, my personal favorite is the Gelati, which is half water ice and half soft serve ice cream. Various flavors and little chunks of fruit make up the greatest italian ices of all time. On a hot summer night this is one of the most perfect items to refresh yourself with. You can also get a soft pretzel for 35cents with your water ice, you cannot beat a deal like this. That shit at bucky's is nothing compared to Rita's. Its making me sad that I will probably never have this again.
I think Nazer might be the only one who has an idea of what I am talking about, I wish you guys could all experience these foods but I doubt it will ever happen. For all you readers out here, the east coast doesn't have mexican food; they have taco bell. They also don't have Jack in the Box either. Don't feel too bad just go to your local super market and get some Steak-um and you will be one satisfied person.
Monday, March 17, 2008
A Decent Meal for $5
I only have two weeks left at this restaraunt and I could not be happier. I know most of you who are reading this are pissed off and aggravated with me but I am not going to suffer so you guys can eat. Mark and Ray are still there and you still have them. I personally would like to thank drew for leaving because he helped me realize it was possible to get out of that hell hole. When I informed people of my quitting, they were all very upset with me; and to you guys I say Fuck you bitches...
Enjoy the cheap food while it lasts cause I am ending this chapter of my life and I plan on ripping out those pages, burning them, and forgetting they ever existed. Thank you.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Top 5 Favorite Cereals
On a different note from football, I would like to talk about one of the most important aspects of my life; cereal. Here is to a snack/meal that can be eaten at any time of the day. Whether you eat it dry or with milk, cereal is a great food that has been around for a very long time. Here are my top 5 favorite cereals of all time. They cannot be a cereal that has been newly introduced and it must have been around for at least 10 years.
5) Crispix is the healthier cereal of the bunch. The great thing about Crispix is it never gets soggy in your bowl. It has a distinct taste for a corn cereal and doesn't taste bland like a cereal such as corn flakes. Crispix is delicious, healthy and provides a nice change to all the sugary cereals out in our supermarket shelves.
4) Apple Jacks the cereal that does not taste like apples, but "we eat what we like". These orange colored o's are a nice sweet cereal that is different from many cereals out there. I cannot describe the taste because frankly I have no idea what they taste like. I feel that it is magical goodness that makes my mouth water at the sight of that bright green box. Other cereals that are O shaped; fruit loops, Oreo o's, and cherrio's do not compare to this apple cinnamon cereal.
3) cocoa pebbles the greatest chocolate cereal of all time. Cocoa Krispies come in a close second compared to cocoa pebbles but the nice shape and true chocolate flavor bring it straight to the top. One thing I can definatly say is that cocoa puffs do not compare what so ever. Recently I purchased a box of cocoa puffs and on the box said "now more chocolate taste" bull fucking shit. Cocoa puffs used to be decent but now they taste life old shit chocolate balls. The best comparison I can give is cocoa puffs taste like chocolate covered Kix but shittier. The nice chocolate taste of cocoa pebbles bring a nice full chocolate taste and leave a nice bowl of chocolate milk afterwards. I personally think this is the best chocolate cereal in the world.
2) Cinnamon Toast Crunch a favorite cereal to many people across the world. Who can resist cinnamon and sugar taste in every bite, there is so much cinnamon and sugar in this cereal that when you reach into the box and you grab a handful your hand is covered in sugary goodness. Cinnamon toast crunch is so good theres not even any competition out there to rival those sweet little squares.
1) Kix, kid tested mother approved. These delicious little puffs of corn cereal are simple yet extraordinary how in the world do you get the perfect amount of sweetness on these tiny little balls. This can be seen as one of the healthier cereals and are great for young children. Kix are delicious and can be eaten as a snack or as a light and delicious meal. These perfectly sweetened puffs are by far the best cereal ever made and thus topping my list of the best cereals ever made.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Top 5 Qb's Under 25
Jay Cutler

At age 24, Cutler calls the cadence for the Denver Broncos, and is set up to succeed because of an experienced NFL coach in Mike Shanahan. Shanahan is known for his play calling and his ability to always have a good ground game. A good running game is a quarterbacks best friend and will keep defenses honest. Cutler finished last year with 20 touchdowns, 14 interceptions and a 63.6% completion percentage. Cutler has a big arm and the accuracy to go along with it. Cutler is only going to get better, and with the emergence of Brandon Marshall, Cutler now has his go to guy in the passing game. Cutler also plays in the AFC West that now provides weak competition and will be able to rack up some easy wins against the Chiefs and the Raiders.
Derek Anderson

Weighing in at 230 pounds and with a height of 6'6" Anderson has the prototype QB body. He has the size and strength to succeed. His cannon arm enables him to make all the deep throws to his weapons in the passing game. Kellen Winslow Jr. and Braylon Edwards are downfield threats that are young and provide a foundation to the Browns passing game. Anderson showed in his first year starting that he is a playmaker and a young QB that can get the job done. Last year Anderson threw for 29 touchdowns and 19 TD's, his completion percentage was a low 56.5% but can only get better with experience. Anderson may not be the future QB of the Browns in the next couple of years but he will definately be the star of any franchise he goes to.
Vince Young

At age 24, and coming in at 6'5" and 233 pounds Vince Young is considered a beast compared to the other Quarterbacks in the league. Young possesses the ability to make throws on the run and run the ball whenever he chooses. His big playmaking ability makes up for his inaccurate throws and his inability to read defenses quickly. Vince Young knows how to win even though his numbers are horrible. Young is a playmaker and his team will thrive with his success or die with his failure. There are no playmakers on the Titans and Young has the ability to move the ball himself. Since he finished his first whole season as a starter Young is able to use his experience, and develope into a superstar QB.
Brady Quinn

He is the future of the Browns, drafted 22nd out of Notre Dame, Brady Quinn just finished his first year in the NFL. He has no starting experience but he has played in a pro style offense under former New England Patriots offensive cordinator Charlie Weis. Quinn showed his incredible accuracy in his final year in Notre Dame and is one of the brighter young quarterbacks in the league. He makes smart decisions and is being brought along in the NFL like a young QB should be. He is getting his reps in practice and is on the bench observing live NFL games. He will be brought in with full knowledge of the offense and will be put in when the Browns know he is ready. The only knock on Quinn is his arm strength but in the preseason he showed he is able to put enough zip on the ball to hit those deep routes. In a few years we will see Quinn emerge as one of the top 7 Qb's in the league.
Matt Leinart

The sexiest Qb of the bunch Matt Leinart has the brain, accuracy, and the arm for the NFL. Leinart's mentor is Superbowl MVP and All Pro Kurt Warner. He has had his time to sit on the bench and learn the ways of the NFL. While Leinart had to learn two new offenses in 2 years, he showed his struggles last year before getting injured. Next season Leinart is coming in as the starter and with full knowledge of Ken Whisenhunt's offense. Leinart has all the tools to succeed he has two outstanding weapons on the outside with Anquan Boldin and Larry Fitzgerald. Leinart also has a pass catching runningback in Edgerrin James, and 2nd year TE Leonard Pope has shown he can make a difference in the passing game. Leinart played a majority in 2006 and has some experience under his belt. Leinart also shined at USC and has a national championship and a Heisman trophy to prove it. #7 will be the next great QB and he will turn around a Cardinals franchise that has been losing for years.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Season in Review
So here were go

One of the most interesting headlines of this past NFL season was the New England Patriots Spygate scandal. Bill Belichick admitted to an illegal taping of the New York Jets Defensive signals and used it to their advantage against the Jets in their Week 2 game of the season. After the incident went public Belicheck took full responsibility for his actions and it cost them a hefty fine along with the loss of their first round pick. While it is cheating and the Patriots did have an advantage, the players still need to go out and make plays. I mean if the Raiders were accused of a spygate scandal yet went 0-16 no one would give a shit. Anyways the Patriots might be in so more trouble because their is allegations against the Patriots taping the Rams final walkthrough before the Superbowl. If it is true Bill Belichick will get suspended for a year and fans of the NFL will jump for joy.
Brett Favre

38 year old Brett Favre led the Green Bay Packers to a 13-3 record and took them to the NFC Championship against the New York Giants. Favre who is the current leader for career interceptions (288) elevated his game to a Pro Bowl level. While talks of retirement has surrounded Favre every off season, it seems like Favre is ready to try one more time to hold up the Lombardi trophy. For being one of the oldest players in the NFL he is still one of the best. I have a new found respect for Favre and I really enjoy watching him play. The only thing that makes him gay is that Judd likes him.
The Emergence of Adrian Peterson

For all you noobs out there, Purple Jesus came from Oklahoma University and tore it up while he was at Oklahoma. Despite his injuries in college, Peterson showed he is tough enough to play in the NFL. Peterson showed flashes of excellence during the season and is the current NFL offensive rookie of the year and the AP rookie of the year. Purple Jesus also hold the record for rushing yards in a single season game at 296 and did this against a strong San Diego defense. This young back shows a lot of promise and will most likely have an outstanding NFL career.
Eli Manning

Eli Manning won a super bowl? This is the first overall pick of the 2004 season, and whined and complained about being on a busted San Diego team. After bitching and crying Eli got his wish and was traded to the New York Giants for a first round draft pick, 3rd round pick, 5th round pick and 4th overall pick Philip Rivers. Up until a few months ago it looked like the Chargers made the move of the century, in that trade the Chargers drafted Nate Kaeding and Shawne Merriman and the New Giants had bust interception throwing, no emotion, bitch ass Eli Manning. As of 2 weeks ago, the Giants have now gained the lead in that trade. The Giants won a super bowl and Eli Manning was named Super Bowl MVP. In the last 7 games of the season Eli Manning looked like everything he was suppose to be after being drafted out of Ole Miss. You Charger fans can argue all you want about how we have better players and how Rivers is better and it may be true, but Eli is the one with the championship. I know you Charger fans are pulling out your hair and punching yourself in the stomach now but this time next year I will be writing about how Philip Rivers overcame an ACL tear and led the Chargers to 19-0 record.
2004 1 round draft class.
Ben Roethlisberger - A dismantled face from a motocycle accident, and one super bowl ring.
J.P Losman - A below .500 record and lost his starting job.
Philip Rivers - A torn ACL and the emotions of a child.
Eli Manning - A crying baby who is now a Superbowl MVP.
Damn what a season...too bad its over, but if you are like me and love the NFL draft and love to research for months about future prospects then get excited because it is less than 3 months away. Stay tuned for my take on the future players of the NFL.
Friday, January 25, 2008
I know I rambled here sorry.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
The worst player on the Patriots.

54 Solo tackes, 1 interception, 2 sacks, 7 Passes defensed and a forced fumble. For being a safety on a top 5 ranked defense, you sure do a shitty job. You're a damn safety who is used as a linebacker in passing situations and your numbers still suck. You have been accused of using HGH and you are one of the most washed up players in the NFL. You are the dirtiest player in the NFL and the only reason why you make a few plays ever so often is because: 1. You get lucky 2. You play dirty 3. You can't even play dirty correctly so you just happen to make some shitty ass ankle tackle. You think you are some emotional leader on defense but the only reason why people perceive you that way is because whenever an opposing team scores, we see you get juked out and your laying on the ground crying cause you know you just embarassed yourself in front of the whole country. This weekend your old frail man's body will show, and the world is going to see LaDanian Tomlinson break your ankles just like he did to you in practice while you were in San Diego. I hope you shit yourself when you see LT coming....
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Dinner Big Board
Coming in at the top of the Big Board:
1. Nazer

Nazer starts off the big board because he is a top tier eater. He eats like a machine with a expandable stomach. Both Nazer and I have about the same exact tastes in food, and he also introduces me to new foods I know I would like. Another reason for Nazer topping the list is that he is always down to throw a little extra money on food and on tipping, I have noticed from personal experience he never holds back when it comes to eating, Nazer is always down to splurge on something good. When it comes to discussion he hates the same people I hate and he also talks some good shit about people. Plus he only likes white girls. Finally, he is always down to chill after a nice dinner.
2. Lance

Lance comes in at #2 but this was a tough choice. Lance's availability keeps him at #2. I always know when he is down in San Diego and when he is in San Diego 95% of the time he is down to eat. My problems with Lance is that he always eats before he goes out to eat because he cannot control himself. If I catch him at the right time, he will spend big and eat hearty. At my table of 7 he is a definite lock to be there. His discussion topics are endless and it is always a humor to watch him eat because he will always have food on his face. It is also fun to talk shit to him about how Nazer and Tony can out eat him, and then he eats himself to sleep. Other knocks on Lance: always wants fast food or Alvaro's, and if he doesn't get his way he will stay home. But he is always down to try new places. Though there are quite a bit of negatives with Lance I can guarantee he will always be ranked on this big board.
3. Drew

Drew comes in at #3 not because of his eating skills but because of the quality conversation he brings to the table. Drews availability is not high but when he is there his presence is known. One of Drew's top dinner qualities is that he is generous and is willing to cover for peoples asses when it comes to paying for the meal and making sure the tip is good. Another great quality Drew has for my top dinner table big board is his story telling skills. For some odd reason he remembers specific details of all the funny stories. Drew is down to eat anywhere when available but it is impossible to get this guy to go out sometimes. He usually already ate or is going to eat. Drew does not eat much but when he does, he eats fast and he looks like a starving child scarfing down food. My negative on Drew, if a controversial topic comes up, he becomes to passionate about it. This guy loves fantasy football and he goes to my school and I work with him so the discussion is endless so he will always be towards the top of the big board.
4. Alexand

Alexand comes in at number 4, because 75% of the time he is down to eat. He does not like seafood or sushi so that makes things difficult. Also when it comes to food, he doesn't eat that much unless its chicken, burgers or steak. But if you give him a fork and some hunk of meat he can eat for hours. I don't know why but this guy loves meat. At the dinner table I can always talk to this guy about various topics, out of everyone listed so far I have known Alexand the longest. We played football together, he is the only close friend I have that keeps up with college football. When it comes to interesting football notes Alexand is my go to guy. Anything football or madden related he is always the best person to talk to. Unlike Nazer, and Lance, Alexand is not always down to chill after eating. He is busy a lot and he doesn't drink so when we drink he might get bored. He also loves call of duty, and meat.
5. Tony
I can't find a picture of this mothafucker anywhere.
Tony is a good dinner option because he is available to eat often. He is the human garbage disposal, he is our lead off batter, or pinch hitter, and our home run hitter. He eats like a monster and does not stop. I know I can count on him to finish the rest of my food, along with his super sized food and the rest of everyone else's food. Tony is always on time and usually is the first one there. When it comes to conversation, he has a lot of jokes, has many references to funny lines from shows/movies/skits/stories. Also it is always a blast to hear one of Tony's loud laughs that he cannot control. If you get him started on talking about cars or computers I lose interest, I have no idea what the fuck is going on so this is why he is lower on my list.
6. Anthony
I can't find a picture of this guy anywhere either.
Anthony is never on time, he does not eat much, he talks about cars, he loves Tom Brady and Baseball. That is some bullshit so I know your asking why does Anthony make the final cut?!? One word: Consistency. Anthony is always down to eat. He will return your phone call, and he is down to eat everywhere. No matter what or when I can pretty much guarantee he will be there. It also helps that he makes funny noises and he mannerisms are hilarious. Ant is a solid and consistent performer so he is making the final cut on my big board of my Table of 7 for dinner.
Please do not be to upset, there is time to move up on the list. You guys are all my friends but if I were to make a decision right now on who would be the best 6 other people to go eat dinner with it would be these 6 guys.
On the bubble:
7. David: He is always asleep, he eats at weird times and he loves McDonalds.
8. Floyd: He does not eat much and he is not always down, he sleeps in til 3:30pm
9. Judd: He is never down to eat, he doesn't eat much, and he always wants to be at the condo.
10. Mark: He is either working, playing PS3, or in valley center. He also gets no service in park village so he never gets any ones call.