Hail to thy Cheese Steak

This greasy sandwich option is one of the greatest items known to mankind. The options are endless on what you can put on this piece of artwork, and no matter what you do it is always delicious. For $5 you will end up feeling more than satisfied and your tummy will thank you for days for treating it with such good care. When I was back on the east coast a couple of summers ago, I was reminded you could also get cheesesteaks at a gas station market and it would still be better than the shit they try to serve in other place around the country. It is just not the same, if you really want to enjoy one of the amazing sandwhiches at home I will show you a secret steak that is perfect for making a cheesesteak at home. "Steak-um" They are thinly slices frozen steaks that will make a perfect Cheesesteak at home.

Hoagies are basically just subs, but 10x better. The only subs we have around here are your chain restaurant sandwich shops such as Subway, Submarina and Quizno's. Hoagie shops are located all around east coast and during anytime of the day you are able to get one of these Sandwiches will all the fixin's. Though they can never beat out the Cheesesteak they are still delicious and probably a little healthier for your body. Personally for all my Hoagie and Cheesesteak needs I would go to my local "Lee's Hoagie house" for all my sandwich needs. An no Lee is not asian. I grew up in the white sub urbs, yeayah.
Bertucci's Pizza

Brick oven pizza at its finest. Thin crust pizza that is crispy, flaky and oh so delicious. Cooked in a brick over to perfection and provides a great change from your ordinary pizza parlors such as Pizza hut and Domino's. I know all of us like Uno's and BJ's deep dish pizza but I would take any New york Style pizza and Bertucci's pizza over those any day. The thing about Bertucci's pizza that makes it so good is the toppings they put on it. Using seafoood such as clams and shrimp as toppings provides a different taste that all of us are used to.
Finally for Desert we have:
Rita's Water Ice

The greatest desert of all time, my personal favorite is the Gelati, which is half water ice and half soft serve ice cream. Various flavors and little chunks of fruit make up the greatest italian ices of all time. On a hot summer night this is one of the most perfect items to refresh yourself with. You can also get a soft pretzel for 35cents with your water ice, you cannot beat a deal like this. That shit at bucky's is nothing compared to Rita's. Its making me sad that I will probably never have this again.
I think Nazer might be the only one who has an idea of what I am talking about, I wish you guys could all experience these foods but I doubt it will ever happen. For all you readers out here, the east coast doesn't have mexican food; they have taco bell. They also don't have Jack in the Box either. Don't feel too bad just go to your local super market and get some Steak-um and you will be one satisfied person.
1 comment:
They don't have carls jr, or cheap (yet well executed) sushi, and personally I think my favorite pizza is still BJs spinach artichoke, but yeah even when I was home for winter break I developed a hunger for an awesome steak and cheese.
and oh yeah, what a fuckin fatass
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