Coming in at the top of the Big Board:
1. Nazer

Nazer starts off the big board because he is a top tier eater. He eats like a machine with a expandable stomach. Both Nazer and I have about the same exact tastes in food, and he also introduces me to new foods I know I would like. Another reason for Nazer topping the list is that he is always down to throw a little extra money on food and on tipping, I have noticed from personal experience he never holds back when it comes to eating, Nazer is always down to splurge on something good. When it comes to discussion he hates the same people I hate and he also talks some good shit about people. Plus he only likes white girls. Finally, he is always down to chill after a nice dinner.
2. Lance

Lance comes in at #2 but this was a tough choice. Lance's availability keeps him at #2. I always know when he is down in San Diego and when he is in San Diego 95% of the time he is down to eat. My problems with Lance is that he always eats before he goes out to eat because he cannot control himself. If I catch him at the right time, he will spend big and eat hearty. At my table of 7 he is a definite lock to be there. His discussion topics are endless and it is always a humor to watch him eat because he will always have food on his face. It is also fun to talk shit to him about how Nazer and Tony can out eat him, and then he eats himself to sleep. Other knocks on Lance: always wants fast food or Alvaro's, and if he doesn't get his way he will stay home. But he is always down to try new places. Though there are quite a bit of negatives with Lance I can guarantee he will always be ranked on this big board.
3. Drew

Drew comes in at #3 not because of his eating skills but because of the quality conversation he brings to the table. Drews availability is not high but when he is there his presence is known. One of Drew's top dinner qualities is that he is generous and is willing to cover for peoples asses when it comes to paying for the meal and making sure the tip is good. Another great quality Drew has for my top dinner table big board is his story telling skills. For some odd reason he remembers specific details of all the funny stories. Drew is down to eat anywhere when available but it is impossible to get this guy to go out sometimes. He usually already ate or is going to eat. Drew does not eat much but when he does, he eats fast and he looks like a starving child scarfing down food. My negative on Drew, if a controversial topic comes up, he becomes to passionate about it. This guy loves fantasy football and he goes to my school and I work with him so the discussion is endless so he will always be towards the top of the big board.
4. Alexand

Alexand comes in at number 4, because 75% of the time he is down to eat. He does not like seafood or sushi so that makes things difficult. Also when it comes to food, he doesn't eat that much unless its chicken, burgers or steak. But if you give him a fork and some hunk of meat he can eat for hours. I don't know why but this guy loves meat. At the dinner table I can always talk to this guy about various topics, out of everyone listed so far I have known Alexand the longest. We played football together, he is the only close friend I have that keeps up with college football. When it comes to interesting football notes Alexand is my go to guy. Anything football or madden related he is always the best person to talk to. Unlike Nazer, and Lance, Alexand is not always down to chill after eating. He is busy a lot and he doesn't drink so when we drink he might get bored. He also loves call of duty, and meat.
5. Tony
I can't find a picture of this mothafucker anywhere.
Tony is a good dinner option because he is available to eat often. He is the human garbage disposal, he is our lead off batter, or pinch hitter, and our home run hitter. He eats like a monster and does not stop. I know I can count on him to finish the rest of my food, along with his super sized food and the rest of everyone else's food. Tony is always on time and usually is the first one there. When it comes to conversation, he has a lot of jokes, has many references to funny lines from shows/movies/skits/stories. Also it is always a blast to hear one of Tony's loud laughs that he cannot control. If you get him started on talking about cars or computers I lose interest, I have no idea what the fuck is going on so this is why he is lower on my list.
6. Anthony
I can't find a picture of this guy anywhere either.
Anthony is never on time, he does not eat much, he talks about cars, he loves Tom Brady and Baseball. That is some bullshit so I know your asking why does Anthony make the final cut?!? One word: Consistency. Anthony is always down to eat. He will return your phone call, and he is down to eat everywhere. No matter what or when I can pretty much guarantee he will be there. It also helps that he makes funny noises and he mannerisms are hilarious. Ant is a solid and consistent performer so he is making the final cut on my big board of my Table of 7 for dinner.
Please do not be to upset, there is time to move up on the list. You guys are all my friends but if I were to make a decision right now on who would be the best 6 other people to go eat dinner with it would be these 6 guys.
On the bubble:
7. David: He is always asleep, he eats at weird times and he loves McDonalds.
8. Floyd: He does not eat much and he is not always down, he sleeps in til 3:30pm
9. Judd: He is never down to eat, he doesn't eat much, and he always wants to be at the condo.
10. Mark: He is either working, playing PS3, or in valley center. He also gets no service in park village so he never gets any ones call.
i love you man. if this dinner was real i'd most definitely eat all of you out.
Yeah due to mass corruption I can never read "out eat" in its proper context.
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