After a month long fling with NCAA, I have realized that NCAA 09 has completely fucked up my Madden 09 skills. The controls are flipped around so much and the style of gameplay I have used in NCAA does not fit the style of play that I use in Madden. I find myself using bad habits and running around aimlessly. Enough with my complaining on why I just lost a preseason game... Ok Charlie Batch whooped my ass because I spent 6 seconds every play scrambling around with Kevin Kolb.
Overall the presentation of Madden 09 is superb and the grass on the field is the realest I have ever seen for a video game. The shine and finish on the helmets really adds a nice touch to the presentation of the game. As you take the field as the home team you really feel like you are in your home stadium. Unlike in previous years the only thing that felt like home was the off color blue and yellow shirts inside Qualcomm Stadium. I have only played one game so far, and from what I have done, I know I need to practice. I suck, and my madden IQ is low because I got owned on rushing defense and pass defense. I find myself frustrated with life and I need to shake the cobwebbs off from NCAA. I haven't blogged in a long time and my thoughts are everywhere and all this shit is really unorganized, but what the fuck no one reads this anyway. I pwned Willie Parker with a hit stick and the fuckin screen started shaking. My instant replay on the play calling screen is broken and Brian Westbrook is a beast. Overall I am satisfied with the quality of madden but I am really upset that I spent $96 on the collectors edition. I will make the best of it and play head coach until it breaks. The more I play madden the more I will forget about the cost. But one thing that has made me really happy about Madden 09 is they finally took new fuckin pictures for all the players. This has definately made me very happy. Ok thanks for reading and the rest of the year will be devoted to Madden. Fuck friends, madden is my best friend now.
One year of college left I will earn my degree in madden and pwn you with my minor in rushing attack. mothafuckas.